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Dr Victoria Stiles

Dr Victoria Stiles

Senior Lecturer in Biomechanics


 Richards Building RB103A


Richard's Building, University of Exeter, St Luke's Campus, Heavitree Road, Exeter, EX1 2LU, UK


I am a Biomechanist interested in measuring aspects of human movement relevant to bone health and injury. I have expertise in collecting and analysing laboratory-based biomechanical data, the generation of new population-specific datasets and analysis of large-scale population data collected in free-living individuals. I’m a member of Physical Activity and Health Across the Lifespan (PAHAL) and Human Movement Sciences (HMS)

Research Specialisms

  • Developing accelerometer-derived metrics from wearable devices to precisely measure habitual activity relevant to bone health in children and adults
  • Developing accelerometer-derived metrics from wearable devices to objectively quantify and track training loads relevant to injury and performance in athletes
  • Optimising training load in athletes using data from wearable devices


BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Sciences, University of Exeter
PhD Biomechanics, University of Exeter
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy


Research group links


Research interests

My research identifies characteristics of physical activity and exercise that are associated with bone health across the lifespan (osteoporosis prevention) and characteristics of athlete training loads that can lead to injury (injury prevention). I have expertise in collecting and analysing laboratory-based biomechanical data, generating new population-specific datasets and analysing large-scale population data collected in free-living individuals. The accelerometer-derived metrics developed by my research are applicable to a range of populations (general population, athletes/players, military).

Research Specialisms

  • Developing accelerometer-derived metrics to precisely measure habitual activity relevant to bone health in children and adults
  • Developing accelerometer-derived metrics to objectively quantify and track training loads relevant to injury and performance in athletes
  • Optimising training load in athletes using wrist-worn accelerometry

Research projects

[2018] Wrist-worn accelerometry for runners: Exploring features to optimise classification and quantification of training load. MRC Proximity to Discover Fund in collaboration with Activinsights Ltd [Principle Investigator,17k]

[2016] Pilot testing with a footwear supplier. ESRC IAA Impact Cultivation Award [Principle Investigator,5k]

[2015] Assessing the validity and feasibility of objectively quantifying training characteristics associated with the development of running related injuries. MRC Proximity to Discover Fund in collaboration with Activinsights Ltd [Principle Investigator,51k]

[2015] Implementing a novel accelerometer-based method to quantify the association between habitual physical activity and direct measures of bone health in pre and postmenopausal women. University of Exeter Project Development Fund – Science. [Principal Investigator; £10k]

[2011] Development of a method for quantification of the mechanical loading associated with habitual activity patterns in premenopausal women. National Osteoporosis Society. [Principal Investigator; £20k]

[2009] Exploring the Potential of Biomechanical Analysis to Enhance the Service User Experience of ESC (Exercise Science Consulting Ltd). ESRC Business Voucher via the University of Exeter’s Capacity Building Cluster in Sport, Leisure and Tourism [Principal Investigator; £3k]


Research grants

  • 2015 MRC
    MRC Proximity to Discover Fund in collaboration with Activinsights Ltd
  • 2015 University of Exeter Project Development Fund
    Implementing a novel accelerometer-based method to quantify the association between habitual physical activity and direct measures of bone health in pre and postmenopausal women
  • 2011 National Osteoporosis Society
    Development of a method for quantification of the mechanical loading associated with habitual activity patterns in premenopausal women


Journal articles

Brailey G, Metcalf B, Lear R, Price L, Cumming S, Stiles V (In Press). A comparison of the associations between bone health and three different intensities of accelerometer-derived habitual physical activity in children and adolescents: a systematic review. Osteoporosis International
Rowlands AV, Sherar LB, Fairclough SJ, Yates T, Edwardson CL, Harrington DM, Davies MJ, Munir F, Khunti K, Stiles VH, et al (In Press). A data-driven, meaningful, easy to interpret, standardised accelerometer outcome variable for global surveillance. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport
Rowlands A, Fairclough S, Yates T, Edwardson C, Davies M, Munir F, Khunti K, Stiles VH (In Press). Activity intensity, volume & norms: Utility & interpretation of accelerometer metrics. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise
Lilley KL, Stiles, VH, Dixon SJ (In Press). The influence of motion control shoes on the running gait of mature and young females. Gait and Posture
Bitchell L, Stiles VH, Robinson G, Mathema P, Moore IS (2024). Is team-level injury analysis giving us the full story? Exploring a player-specific approach to analysing injuries. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 24(2), 135-145. Abstract.
Jones HSR, Stiles VH, Verheul J, Moore IS (2023). Assessments performed on harder surfaces can misrepresent ACL injury risk. Sports Biomech, 1-23. Abstract.  Author URL.
Brailey G, Metcalf B, Price L, Cumming S, Stiles V (2023). Raw Acceleration from Wrist- and Hip-Worn Accelerometers Corresponds with Mechanical Loading in Children and Adolescents. Sensors, 23(15), 6943-6943. Abstract.
Jones HSR, Stiles VH, Verheul J, Moore IS (2022). Angular Velocities and Linear Accelerations Derived from Inertial Measurement Units can be Used as Proxy Measures of Knee Variables Associated with ACL Injury. Sensors, 22(23), 9286-9286. Abstract.
Brailey G, Metcalf B, Lear R, Price L, Cumming S, Stiles V (2022). Correction: a comparison of the associations between bone health and three different intensities of accelerometer-derived habitual physical activity in children and adolescents: a systematic review. Osteoporos Int, 33(6).  Author URL.
Lilley K, Stiles V, Dixon S (2022). The influence of design variations in footwear medial-lateral support on the running biomechanics of older female runners. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART P-JOURNAL OF SPORTS ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, 236(1), 53-59.  Author URL.
Watson PJ, Fieldsend JE, Stiles VH (2021). A scoping review using social network analysis techniques to summarise the prevalance of methods used to acquire data for athlete survelliance in sport. International Journal of Computer Science in Sport, 20(2), 175-197. Abstract.
Jones HSR, Moore IS, King E, Stiles VH, Laudani L, McCarthy‐Ryan M, McFadden C, Daniels KAJ (2021). Movement strategy correspondence across jumping and cutting tasks after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 32(3), 612-621. Abstract.
Bitchell CL, Varley-Campbell J, Robinson G, Stiles V, Mathema P, Moore IS (2020). Recurrent and Subsequent Injuries in Professional and Elite Sport: a Systematic Review. Sports Medicine - Open, 6(1). Abstract.
Dean S, Poltawski L, Warmoth K, Goodwin V, Stiles V, Taylor R (2019). Independently Getting Off the floor (IGO): a feasibility study of teaching people with stroke to get up after a fall. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 26
Dixon S, Nunns M, House C, Rice H, Mostazir M, Stiles V, Davey T, Fallowfield J, Allsopp A (2019). Prospective study of biomechanical risk factors for second and third metatarsal stress fractures in military recruits. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 22(2), 135-139. Abstract.
Stiles VH, Pearce M, Moore I, Langford J, Rowlands A (2018). Wrist-worn accelerometry for runners: Objective quantification of training load. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 50, 2277-2284.
Stiles VH, Metcalf BS, Knapp KM, Rowlands AV (2017). A small amount of precisely measured high-intensity habitual physical activity predicts bone health in pre- and post-menopausal women in UK Biobank. International Journal of Epidemiology, 46(6), 1847-1856. Abstract.
Starbuck C, Stiles V, Urà D, Carré M, Dixon S (2017). Biomechanical responses to changes in friction on a clay court surface. J Sci Med Sport, 20(5), 459-463. Abstract.  Author URL.
Nunns M, Stiles V, Fulford J, Dixon S (2017). Estimated third metatarsal bending stresses are highly susceptible to variations in bone geometry. Footwear Science, 9(3), 127-137. Abstract.
Nunns MP, House CM, Rice H, Mostazir M, Davey P, Stiles V, Fallowfield J, Allsopp A, Dixon SJ (2016). Four biomechanical and anthropometric measures predict tibial stress fracture:. A prospective study of 1065 Royal Marines. British Journal of Sports Medicine Abstract.
Starbuck C, Damm L, Clarke J, Carré M, Capel-Davis J, Miller S, Stiles V, Dixon S (2016). The influence of tennis court surfaces on player perceptions and biomechanical response. J Sports Sci, 34(17), 1627-1636. Abstract.  Author URL.
Rowlands AV, Fraysse F, Catt M, Stiles VH, Stanley RM, Eston RG, Olds TS (2015). Comparability of measured acceleration from accelerometry-based activity monitors. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 47(1), 201-210. Abstract.  Author URL.
Rowlands AV, Schuna JM, Stiles VH, Tudor-Locke C (2013). Cadence, peak vertical acceleration and peak loading rate during ambulatory activities: Implications for activity prescription for bone health. Journal of Physical Activity and Health Abstract.
Stiles VH, Katene WH (2013). Improving physical education student teachers' knowledge and understanding of applied biomechanical principles through peer collaboration. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 18(3), 235-255.
Lilley K, Stiles VH, Dixon S (2013). The influence of motion control shoes on the running gait of mature and young females. Gait and Posture, 37(3), 331-335. Abstract.
Stiles VH, Griew PJ, Rowlands AV (2013). Use of accelerometry to classify activity beneficial to bone in premenopausal women. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 45(12), 2353-2361. Abstract.  Author URL.
Rowlands AV, Stiles VH (2012). Accelerometer counts and raw acceleration output in relation to mechanical loading. Journal of Biomechanics, 45(3), 448-454. Abstract.
Lilley K, Stiles V, Dixon SJ (2011). A Biomechanical Comparison of the Running Gait of Mature and Young Females. Gait and Posture, 43, 496-500. Abstract.
Stiles VH, Guisasola IN, James IT, Dixon SJ (2011). Biomechanical Response to Changes in Natural Turf during Running and Turning. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 27(1), 54-63. Abstract.
Nunns M, Stiles V, Dixon S (2011). The effects of standard issue Royal Marine footwear on risk factors associated with third metatarsal stress fractures. Footwear Science, 3(sup1), S124-S125.
Guisasola I, James I, Stiles V, Dixon S (2010). Dynamic behaviour of soils used for natural turf sports surfaces. Sports Engineering, 12(3), 111-122. Abstract.
Guisasola I, James I, Llewellyn C, Stiles V, Dixon S (2010). Quasi-static mechanical behaviour of soils used for natural turf sports surfaces and stud force prediction. Sports Engineering, 12(2), 99-109. Abstract.
Stiles VH, James IT, Dixon SJ, Guisasola IN (2009). Natural turf surfaces: the case for continued research. Sports Med, 39(1), 65-84. Abstract.  Author URL.
Stiles VH, Dixon, S.J. (2007). Biomechanical response to systematic changes in impact interface cushioning properties while performing a tennis specific movement. Journal of Sports Sciences, 25(11), 1229-1239. Abstract.
Stiles VH, Dixon SJ (2007). Biomechanical response to systematic changes in impact interface cushioning while performing a tennis specific movement. Journal of Sport Sciences, 25(11), 1229-1239.
Stiles VH, Dixon SJ (2006). The influence of different playing surfaces on the biomechanics of a tennis forehand foot plant. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 22(1), 14-24.
Dixon SJ, Stiles VH (2003). Impact absorption of tennis shoe-surface combinations. Sports Engineering, 6(1), 1-10.


Damm L, Stiles V, Dixon S (In Press). Human-shoe-surface interaction. In Dixon S, Fleming P, James I, Carre M (Eds.) The Science and Engineering of Sport Surfaces, Oxon: Routledge, 135-157.
Stiles VH, Dixon S (In Press). Sports surfaces, biomechanics and injury. In Dixon S, Fleming P, James I, Carre M (Eds.) The Science and Engineering of Sport Surfaces, Oxon: Routledge, 70-97.
Stiles V, Knapp K (2022). Bone Health. In Scott A, Broom D (Eds.) Exercise Management for Referred Medical Conditions, Oxon: Routledge, 421-446. Abstract.


Nunns M, Stiles V (2015). The influence of variable medial–lateral stiffness footwear on frontal plane kinematics and joint moments at the knee and ankle in healthy young males.
Nunns M, Stiles V (2015). The influence of variations in heel and forefoot midsole stiffness on sagittal plane kinematics and joint moments at the knee and ankle.
Nunns M, Rice H, House C, Fallowfield J, Allsopp A, Stiles V, Dixon S (2013). A prospective study identifying risk factors for tibial stress fracture in Royal Marine recruits: initial findings.
Dixon S, Nunns M, House C, Rice H, Stiles V (2013). Ankle joint kinematics influence risk of third metatarsal stress fracture in military recruits.
Dean S, Goodwin VA, Poltawski L, Stiles VH, Taylor R (2013). The IGO study: a 'before and after' case series to assess the safety and teaching of a technique designed for people with stroke to Independently Get up Off the floor.  Author URL.
Nunns MPI, Stiles VH, Dixon SJ (2012). The effects of standard issue Royal Marine recruit footwear on risk factors associated with third metatarsal stress fractures.
Nunns M, Stiles V, Dixon S (2012). The effects of standard issue Royal Marine recruit footwear on risk factors associated with third metatarsal stress fractures. Abstract.

Victoria_Stiles Details from cache as at 2024-07-27 08:03:52

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Supervision / Group


  • Gemma Brailey
  • Kim Lilley
  • Michael Nunns
  • Chelsea Starbuck

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