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Programme Specification for the 2021/2 academic year

BSc (Hons) Nutrition with Professional Placement

1. Programme Details

Programme nameBSc (Hons) Nutrition with Professional Placement Programme codeUFS4SHSSHS03
Study mode(s)Full Time
Part Time
Academic year2021/2
Campus(es)St Luke's (Exeter)
NQF Level of the Final Award6 (Honours)

2. Description of the Programme

This four-year version of the BSc Nutrition degree will enable you to combine our outstanding undergraduate offering in the subject area with a year spent undertaking a relevant work placement.

There is no direct entry into this programme. Year one students on the three-year BSc Nutrition degree are eligible to transfer to this four-year professional placement variant. Transfer to the programme will be subject to a competitive application process led by the Sport and Health Sciences department. If your application is unsuccessful, you will continue on your substantive three-year programme.

The core programme is designed to give you the opportunity to explore the scientific relationship between diet, health and wellbeing using cutting-edge research to understand the importance of nutrition for health and performance. The programme provides practical, hands-on experience taking advantage of the specialist facilities available in our world-class laboratories, and informed by the vast expertise of our Sport and Health Sciences academics who specialise in nutrition. As this programme allows graduates to apply for registration with Association for Nutrition, Fitness to Practise procedure will be in place.

The professional placement year, which will take place in year three of the programme, offers you the opportunity to undertake a relevant work placement within an organisation appropriate to your degree. You will be encouraged to consider available positions at a wide range of organisations, including those in the food, healthcare, sport and research sectors. You will begin submitting applications in your second year and have a 12-month window to apply and secure a placement. Placement providers typically use their own recruitment and selection procedures.

You will gain valuable experience from the professional placement: you will learn to apply the skills learnt during the first and second years, improve personal and transferable skills, make new contacts and enhance your employability. Professional placements allow you to develop your career focus and are valued highly by employers

We will endeavour to support you in finding and applying for suitable placements, but please note that you will need to secure a placement through competition with others. We cannot therefore guarantee a position for you. If you're unable to secure a placement, you will be transferred back to the three-year programme.

3. Educational Aims of the Programme

The programme is intended to:

  • Provide you with knowledge and understanding across a range of sub-disciplines within nutrition
  • Enhance teaching and learning through research and applied practice derived from nutrition science.
  • Provide you with the opportunity to employ theoretical concepts in applied nutrition settings.
  • Enable you to acquire a range of transferable skills to allow you to develop as autonomous and reflective individuals.
  • Offer you an opportunity to develop and apply knowledge, theory and skills within a professional placement setting.

4. Programme Structure

5. Programme Modules

The following tables describe the programme and constituent modules. Constituent modules may be updated, deleted or replaced as a consequence of the annual programme review of this programme.

You may take optional modules as long as any necessary prerequisites have been satisfied, where the timetable allows and if you have not already taken the module in question or an equivalent module.

You may take elective modules up to 30 credits outside of the programme in stages 1, 2 and 4 of the programme as long as any necessary prerequisites have been satisfied, where the timetable allows and if you have not already taken the module in question or an equivalent module.

Stage 1

90 credits of compulsory modules, 30 credits of optional modules (120 credits in total).

Compulsory Modules

CodeModule Credits Non-condonable?
ESS1006 Human Anatomy and Kinanthropometry 15Yes
ESS1007 Human Physiology 15Yes
ESS1008 Food Chemistry 15Yes
ESS1606 Nutrition and Metabolism 15Yes
ESS1701 Introduction to Statistics 15Yes
ESS1703 Bioenergetics 15Yes

Optional Modules

CodeModule Credits Non-condonable?
SHS S1 BSc Nut opt 2021-2
ESS1204 Foundations of Biomechanics 15 No
ESS1502 Sports Training Physiology 15 No
ESS1605 Foundations of Exercise and Sport Psychology 15 No

Stage 2

105 credits of compulsory modules, 15 credits of optional modules (120 credits in total).

Compulsory Modules

CodeModule Credits Non-condonable?
ESS2512 Nutrition Science 15Yes
ESS2303 Research Methods and Analytical Procedures 30Yes
ESS2509 Sports Nutrition and Metabolism 15Yes
ESS2510 Nutrition and Society 15Yes
ESS2514 Nutrition for Exercise and Health 15Yes
ESS2307 Literature Review in Nutrition 15Yes

Optional Modules

CodeModule Credits Non-condonable?
SHS S2 BSc Nut opt 2021-2
ESS2001 Exercise Physiology 15 No
ESS2004 Biomechanics and Kinesiology 15 No
ESS2017 Measurement of Physical Activity, Exercise and Sport 15 No
ESS2508 Strength and Conditioning Physiology 15 No
ESS2513 Employability and Career Development in Nutrition 15 No
ESS2710 Sport Psychology 15 No
ANT2023 Theory and Methods of Food Preservation 15 No
ANT2014 Cultures: Food 15 No

Stage 3

120 credits of compulsory modules.

Compulsory Modules

CodeModule Credits Non-condonable?
ESS3108 Professional Placement 120Yes

Stage 4

90 credits of compulsory modules, 30 credits of optional modules (120 credits in total).

Compulsory Modules

CodeModule Credits Non-condonable?
ESS3306 Dissertation (Nutrition) 45Yes
ESS3506 Sustainable Nutrition 15Yes
ESS3508 Nutrition for High Performance 15Yes
ESS3511 Professional Conduct in Nutrition 15Yes

Optional Modules

CodeModule Credits Non-condonable?
SHS SF BSc Nut opt 2021-2
ESS3705 Sport, Physical Activity and Health 15 Yes
ESS3706 Integrated Physiology and Adaptation to Physical (in)activity 15 Yes
ESS3707 Physiological Determinants of Exercise Performance 15 Yes
ESS3804 Clinical Exercise Prescription 30 Yes
ESS3805 Biomechanical Analysis of Human Movement 30 Yes
ESS3808 Sport Psychology 30 Yes
ANT3014 Cultures: Food 15 Yes
ANT3023 Theory and Methods of Food Preservation 15 Yes

6. Programme Outcomes Linked to Teaching, Learning and Assessment Methods

Intended Learning Outcomes
A: Specialised Subject Skills and Knowledge

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
On successfully completing this programme you will be able to:
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) will be...
...accommodated and facilitated by the following learning and teaching activities (in/out of class):...and evidenced by the following assessment methods:

1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the scientific basis of nutrition, including nutritional requirements from the molecular through to the population level for human systems.
2. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the food chain and its impact on food choice, dietary intake and the environment.
3. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of food in a social and behavioural context, at all stages of the life course.
4. Apply the scientific principles of nutrition for the promotion of health and wellbeing of individuals, groups and populations; recognising benefits and risks for human systems.

Lectures, tutor-led workshops or seminars; laboratories; formative essays; prepared problem-based lectures; personal and academic tutorials; group tasks; ELE based learning tasks

  • Laboratory report (ILO 1-4)
  • Independent research project (ILO 1-4)
  • Field and Laboratory practical examination (ILO 1-4)
  • Oral presentations (ILO 1-4)
  • Extended coursework essays / reports (ILO 1-4)

Intended Learning Outcomes
B: Academic Discipline Core Skills and Knowledge

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
On successfully completing this programme you will be able to:
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) will be...
...accommodated and facilitated by the following learning and teaching activities (in/out of class):...and evidenced by the following assessment methods:

5. Apply a range of appropriate skills to produce an independent piece of work informed by research
6. Collect, critically analyse, synthesise and summarise information from a variety of sources and subjects, to critically address multidisciplinary problems
7. Use appropriate laboratory techniques and research methods to assess the nutritional status of individuals and populations.
8. Use technology, knowledge and resources to communicate clearly and appropriately to a variety of audiences using a range of formats

Lectures, tutor-led workshops or seminars; laboratories; formative essays; prepared problem-based lectures; personal and academic tutorials; group tasks; ELE based learning tasks.

Group project; workshops; essays; lectures; prepared problem-solving and substantive lectures; client interviewing workshops; word processing, ELE based learning tasks.

  • Laboratory report (ILO 5-9)
  • Independent research project (ILO 5-9)
  • Oral presentations (ILO 6-8)
  • Reflective portfolios (ILO 6)
  • Extended coursework essays / reports (ILO 5-8)

Intended Learning Outcomes
C: Personal/Transferable/Employment Skills and Knowledge

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
On successfully completing this programme you will be able to:
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) will be...
...accommodated and facilitated by the following learning and teaching activities (in/out of class):...and evidenced by the following assessment methods:

9. Effectively identify individual and collective goals and responsibilities in a co-operative context
10. Display self-management and professional development: by reflecting on progress; organising own work and time, and learning independently.
11. Apply knowledge relating to maintaining codes of ethics and practice relevant to the profession (Professional Conduct and Standards of Association for Nutrition).
12. Display competency when using internet, analysis software, and social media for critical retrieval/analysis of information, and safe communication/data sharing.

Transferable skills permeate every activity within the programme content and assessment – examinations, presentations, workshops, personal profiling (PDP scheme), word processing, lectures, tutor-led workshops or seminars; laboratories; formative essays; prepared problem-based lectures; personal and academic tutorials; group tasks; ELE based learning tasks.

  • Laboratory report (ILO 9-12)
  • Group project (ILO 9)
  • Independent research project (ILO 10-12)
  • Field and laboratory practical examination (ILO 10)
  • Oral presentations (ILO 9-12)
  • Reflective portfolios (ILO 10-12)
  • Extended coursework essays / reports (ILO 9-12

7. Programme Regulations

Programme-specific Progression Rules

To progress to Stage 2, you need to achieve an average mark of at least 60% in Stage 1. If you do not achieve an average mark of 60% in Stage 1, you will be interviewed to determine whether you can continue the Professional Placement programme. If unsuccessful at interview you will be transferred to the 3-year BSc Nutrition programme. If you are unsuccessful in your application for a professional placement, you will normally be transferred to the 3-year programme.

ESS3108 Professional Placement counts as a single 120-credit module and is not condonable; you must pass this module to graduate with the degree title of BSc Nutrition with Professional Placement. If you fail the professional placement your degree title will be commuted to BSc Nutrition.


Full details of assessment regulations for all taught programmes can be found in the TQA Manual, specifically in the Credit and Qualifications Framework, and the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook. Additional information, including Generic Marking Criteria, can be found in the Learning and Teaching Support Handbook.

8. College Support for Students and Students' Learning

You will be based in Sport and Health Sciences, you will be allocated a Personal Tutor on arrival and can expect reasonable access to all teaching staff for academic tutorials through appointments. In addition there is a Programme Director who will offer support and advice to all students on a programme and a dedicated careers and employability tutor to co-ordinate the interaction between you, careers service and the discipline.

In addition, you are provided with

  • Induction course before the start of your first year
  • Library induction sessions
  • Student handbook and module guides
  • Access to Discipline Disability Officers

You will have access to the Seminar Speaker Series where leading researchers are invited to give research seminars.

Student/Staff Liaison Committee enables students and staff to jointly participate in the management and review of the teaching and learning provision. The BSc S/SLC in Sport and Health Sciences meets termly and is chaired by a student representative.

You will have the opportunity to collaborate with research groups within the department to apply nutrition science in interdisciplinary research. This can be done by assisting with research projects or through the completion of your dissertation project with a specific group.

9. University Support for Students and Students' Learning

Please refer to the University Academic Policy and Standards guidelines regarding support for students and students' learning.

10. Admissions Criteria

Undergraduate applicants must satisfy the Undergraduate Admissions Policy of the University of Exeter.

Postgraduate applicants must satisfy the Postgraduate Admissions Policy of the University of Exeter.

Specific requirements required to enrol on this programme are available at the respective Undergraduate or Postgraduate Study Site webpages.

11. Regulation of Assessment and Academic Standards

Each academic programme in the University is subject to an agreed College assessment and marking strategy, underpinned by institution-wide assessment procedures.

The security of assessment and academic standards is further supported through the appointment of External Examiners for each programme. External Examiners have access to draft papers, course work and examination scripts. They are required to attend the Board of Examiners and to provide an annual report. Annual External Examiner reports are monitored at both College and University level. Their responsibilities are described in the University's code of practice. See the University's TQA Manual for details.


12. Indicators of Quality and Standards

The programme is not subject to accreditation and/ or review by professional and statutory regulatory bodies (PSRBs).

13. Methods for Evaluating and Improving Quality and Standards

The University and its constituent Colleges review the quality and standard of teaching and learning in all taught programmes against a range of criteria through the procedures outlined in the Teaching Quality Assurance (TQA) Manual Quality Review Framework.

14. Awarding Institution

University of Exeter

15. Lead College / Teaching Institution

Faculty of Health and Life Sciences

16. Partner College / Institution

Partner College(s)

Not applicable to this programme

Partner Institution

Not applicable to this programme.

17. Programme Accredited / Validated by


18. Final Award

BSc (Hons) Nutrition with Professional Placement

19. UCAS Code

Not applicable to this programme.

20. NQF Level of Final Award

6 (Honours)

21. Credit

CATS credits


ECTS credits


22. QAA Subject Benchmarking Group

23. Dates

Origin Date


Date of last revision
